Friday, December 26, 2008

in the beginning...

so last week i was talking to my newfound mentor and he asked a very simple but awesome question: what is the Bible all about? support your answer. 

so as i thought about things (and typically when i think of anything Bible related), i end up going to John 1, 1 John 1, and Genesis 1 - i suppose all the "beginning" texts in my mind. i ended up saying something not pieced together about what the Bible is about. something to the effect of the Bible is the story of the stories of God extending relationship to those who were not in right relationship. i focused on 1 John when it spoke about Christ coming to bring fellowship with the Father, with him and with one another (vs 3). it was nothing profound, just the first thought that came to mind. 

well as i have been obsessed with relational concepts and with "beginnings." i was flabbergasted to read an incredible quote in the newest Leonard Sweet book 11 (who if you ever get a chance to read anything by that man - do it! - he's one of my favorite authors). the quote was from another one of my favorite books I and Thou by Martin Buber. Buber said, "In the beginning is relation." i had totally forget this small but powerful phrase in Buber's magnus opum. 

so as i sit here in panera bread in ghent (one of my favorite places in the universe), i have been plagued all morning with this concept of "in the beginning is relation." i decided to look into the word "relation." since "relationships" are one of my favorite enterprising conversations, i should know these things. relation comes from relacion (Anglo-French) from relatio (Latin) from referre (past participle relatus) (Latin), which means to carry back. i was both struck by this simple etymology. relation in essence means to carry back. i will unveil my thinking of this concept after i touch the 7 definitions of relation according to Merriam-Webster. 

the first definition means - the act of retelling or recounting an account. immediately my mind began to think about the whole beginning thing. to reveal that relation is the begin, it would have to have some semblance of retelling or recounting an account. Hmm, maybe the beginning is when we start to tell or rather retell the account God has in his heart from before the dawn of time. this totally reminds me of the "deeper magic" in Lewis' Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, where Aslan speaks of a magic that was deeper than the things written down upon the stone table. God's relation of his heart to something else was the beginning? my mind is flooded with thoughts.

the second definition is - an aspect or quality (as resemblance) that connects two or more things or parts as being of belonging or working together or as being of the same kind - a property. so relation is about a connection revealing that something is of the same substance and maybe even interactive or engaging between two parts. There seems to be something that is connective when we speak about relationships in that maybe there is a spark of sharpening or a thread of interwovenness that might occur in the metaphors of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes respectively. 

the third definition - the referring by a legal fiction of an act to a prior date as the time of its taking affect (used with back). A reference to something that has already happened in the past and its affects are now seen now. Something like "imperfective" action perhaps. A little of the Lamb being slain before the foundation of the world? 

fourth definition - a person connected by consanguinity or affinity: relative; person legally entitled to a share of the property of an intestate; kinship. Here we have both sonship and heirship. There is a sharing of the property and an affinity to recognize. It is that "congratulations, it's a boy," and a congratulations of "you graduated" all wrapped in one thing, relationship. The family is extended, the treasures expended. it's all for you and it's all for us. Recalls a little prodigal son action, eh? 

fifth definition - reference, respect as in "in relation to." This speaks of a perspective shift. From being a mere referent, which is the "lesser" field of vision to engaging someone where each becomes a reference, with their own thoughts and views who can begin to see how their views fuse with others to create an overall better viewpoint, that is most likely outside of themselves for it fuses theirs and them together. This seems to smell of the body of Christ and each part having its own function and perspective. 

sixth definition - the attitude or stance which two or more persons or groups assume toward one another. this begins the thought of relation is about knowing, but not merely knowing but rather a wrestling. an relentless desire to be face to face with another person to learn and exchange what is known. this makes me think about the beautiful story of Jacob wrestling with God, assuming he knew something about God, only to find out something very different as they pursued each other through grappling. i think of this being a confrontational approach to relation. 

seventh definition - the state of being mutually or reciprocally interested (as in social or commercial matters): dealings, intercourse: sexual intercourse. this is much like the last but it is the next level of grappling with people, it is when you realize that you are close enough to them that there is a mutual desire for the others betterment. this resonates with the Hebrew word - yadah - which means to know; it also has sexual connotations. there is a knowing that comes in this closeness with people that i think i would call intimacy. there is a reciprocity that happens when you are in the embrace of another person, a vulnerability that happens here, and a sense of trust for when you are in the embrace, you don't see anything else around you. you are completely involved. I thought of John laying on Jesus chest in the Upper Room. That is a closeness of leaning upon another's heart. What a flagrant showing of relation. 

in all of my thinking and pondering i thought about this: "In the beginning is relation." I realized something powerful. Jesus is relation. He came to relay and retell the reality of relationship that God has extended to the earth from the echelons of time. He came to show us how to live in the tension of being property of two worlds, both heaven and earth. He came to communicate how he has done it all before this began and it is being extended continually to any who will receive. He came to show that we through his relation with the Father are now family as sons and daughters, and therefore receive all of the inheritance of life with the family. He came to show not only did he have a perspective of Heaven, but also embraced a perspective of earth so that there was full understanding and experience. He came to confront us with the way we have been living life and wrestle us to the place that we could come to never walk the same again, but that we would walk with him. Jesus showed intimacy time and time again as he served, loved, spoke, listened, cared, moved, walked, and empowered those with him and us now with that unrequited trust of himself to us. 

the verse that my mentor said the Bible is all about, which i totally agree with is from Jesus' own mouth, he says, "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." I love that the story of relationship and fellowship is not merely in the "lifetime" of Jesus, but that it has always been there. relation is always there. 

in the beginning is relation. in the then is relation. in the now is relation. in the end is relation.
in the beginning, in the then, in the now, in the end, is Jesus.

i so want relation. i so want Jesus.

- peaks out.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Put on.

Colossians 3.12, 14 - "But on then as God's chosen ones, holy & beloved: compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience...and above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." 

i had a brilliant talk with one of the most amazing people in the universe and we somehow began to talk about the power of unity (inadvertently), and what would happen if we all really sought the good of others to the fullest extent by promoting the connectedness that Christ encourages us to embrace. 

as i was reading Colossians 3 through again, i was struck by this passage, as i have been every day for the last week. my thought has been such: when is the last time i first and foremost recognized that i am chosen one, who is both set apart and loved continually? do i walk around thinking that i am the crazy loved one of God, who he picked when choosing the world's dodgeball team? if i am loved that much and accepted so willingly, then what shall i do? 

i should throw on some Jesus' swagg: compassion - the moving of the inner parts longing for the mercy of God to be connected to another constantly reaching out to those in need, kindness - the unconditional goodness to every person you meet always giving them the best, humility - regarding that person beside, in front, behind of you as being better than yourself, seeking to level yourself for their sake, meekness - the strength to be able to submit to one another in both tenderness and extension, and patience - knowing that you can always wait because a wait increases worth. 

however, as grandiose all of these things, Paul exhorts that above all these, we should put on love. love, the ever elusive ideal. however, i have been viewing love differently these days. if God is love, then in order to put on love, i have to put on God. i think that maybe love is a bit of all of these things - or rather the interweaving of each of these characteristics. if we were to evaluate the love of God, i think that Jesus would be the par excellence of love. the words, the deeds, the extension, the wait (33 years approx.), he totally showed the way to weave these things into a commitment of utmost giving of oneself for another. earlier in Colossians, it speaks of this interweaving of all things because in Jesus all things consist or are held together.

i recall that Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends" (Jn. 15.13). i just felt like there Jesus was again, weaving what i have been learning about friends earlier this week into this passage of love and "garments" i should be wearing. as i know most of us don't feel that we could ever live to this greater love by dying for someone; however, i have two thoughts that have spoken to me as of late. if you cannot die for someone to show your love, what if you lived for them? what if instead of giving your life, you gave your time? 

my question to myself is what am i giving up for the sake of others? am i willing to have my life decrease in order that he might increase and hopefully clothe me as a beloved, who is beloved-ing? i dunno, but i am going to put on love. however, i can. 

- peaks out.

Monday, December 15, 2008


from Out of the Question...Into the Mystery by Leonard Sweet:

"as we consider God's re-Orientation of Christianity, bear in mind that is a movement, not statement. It is more about exploring than about ensconcing. Jesus asked his closest followers: "Who do you say I am?" Each of us, if we are to follow him today, must answer the same question. And as we seek the answer, we find that it is less a question than a quest. The yoking of relationship and quest is deliberate...Part of the uniqueness of humanity, beings created in the image of God, is our instinct to seek and enjoy the pleasures of seeking. It is born in us to dare, to desire, and to delight in the Quest. Questing-made-possible is who we are. Some say it's our solo advantage as a species. But the Quest is not a set of questions. The Quest is the mystery of getting lost in the GodLife relationship." (p. 10)

i guess yesterday afternoon i started to think about this whole idea of questing (or journeying). i suppose it began as i listened to pastor preach a message about the Son of Sons. i thought so much to myself about how much mystery is packed into the man called Jesus as the pastor spoke of the Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Prince of Peace. i thought to myself, how am i currently experiencing the man Jesus.

i think the best way i can see Jesus right now is my friend. this is a two-edged sword. it contains incredible implications, but it also increases the level of risk. recently, i have been finding that in my friendships i am constantly overwhelmed with uncertainty. i think i attempt to predict both people's friendships and even Jesus' with my "relational prowess;" but what i am finding is mystery interwoven in every relationship. i just don't ever know what to expect. i am totally overwhelmed and blown away simultaneously by both the error of my process and the exceeding of my expectations.

at first i was very disturbed by my unsettledness and then i realized that Jesus was saying something different. he said, "jason, this mystery is not a bad thing, it's the beauty of relationship. it never ceases. it is endless. it is always a pursuit. it is always a new revealing. it is heart disclosure. et cetera." when i hear Jesus speak like that i immediately began to think about emmaus (see luke 24.13-35) and that they were with Jesus on this journey and didn't even know it was him because he didn't disclose it. he wanted them to recognize them and to know how it "feels" to be with him, by their sensing and discernment.

i just want to be able to discern better on this journey. i want to know when my friend Jesus is doing something or not participating. i want the mystery. i want the revelation. i want Jesus. i want the heart of the "emmaus-ites" when "they urged him strongly saying - Stay with us...did our hearts not burn within us while he talked to us on the road..." i am pleading for Jesus to stay with me and to burn in my heart. hope you might do the same.

embracing the friendship, the journey, the mystery.

- peaks out

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Numbers 13.30

"But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, "Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it."

in my spiritual formation class yesterday, my professor, who i bestow utmost respect unto basically blew me away. she told us that she prayed for each person in the class and asked the Lord to give her a verse and a word for them. i immediately thought, that was very kind of her to give us a verse. however, after the first word, i realized that she was really speaking prophetically to each of us. these verse were really declarations from the Father over our lives. 

i immediately began to feel a confirmation in my spirit as she went down the order of the class, sharing her (God's heart) for them. she was even moved to tears a few times. my closest friends in the class received unbelievable words about:
 the anointing on their life to change this generation, about their ability to combine wisdom and humility in teaching, to be able to know that they could do anything and God would be behind it, to stand before kings and interpret those things that others couldn't with wisdom and tact, to know that the Lord is singing his love over them constantly as protection, and that they should embrace their leadership ability for they have been faithful.
throughout the class, i just begin to feel the Lord really stirring some things up for people to encourage them in and tell them. 

then she said, "jason..." and my heart became as tumultuous as the sea in the midst of a storm. she quoted numbers 13.30 about Caleb basically seeing not the obstacles and not the challenges, but sees the promise and the potential of what God has in store. she spoke on about how Caleb was full of youthfulness and that he lived a long life and that God was going to do that in me, and eventually give me the mountain (Hebron) as an inheritance. 

immediately, i had a flash back to right after i got saved and the Lord had been using the story of Caleb to blow me away and to encourage me to be bold in him. i can honestly say that i have not been as bold as i can be about the things of God, but that is what was so special about this word because God has just began to bring some of those old things to surface in my life. the authority, the overcoming spirit, the unwillingness to take 'no' for an answer. there is a new tenacity for the things of God and what he has spoken and promised. this word was pregnant with meaning to me for it was truly a commentary on so many aspects of my life.

one of these aspects is about my relationships with people. for some reason, i never look at the main characters, always the overlooked ones. i.e. Gideon, Caleb, Jonathan (Saul's son), Barnabus. it's not that they are less important or aren't mentioned, but most of the time others are heralded (Joshua, David, Paul, respectively). this heart of Caleb to be one to remind those around him to go and overcome is latent in all of these men. Barnabus saw in Paul what most did not see, Jonathan committed his entire life and kingdom to David, yielding all that he had. Caleb submitted to Joshua as his commander and supported him in all that he did. it was just incredible that God has placed me in so many people's lives as this 2nd guy. most the people i am around are the Joshua's, David's and Paul's, which is awesome. i realize that my heart is always to see them reach their goals for the kingdom of God, which in turn causes my dreams to come true, much like Caleb. 

ironically, since i first "encountered" the spirit of Caleb when i was a young believer, i have always wanted to name a son caleb. maybe just as a reminder of what God is saying. this word was that reminder of the passion and vigor of Caleb. this passion and vigor for the kingdom and for the leaders of the kingdom led him to living in 2 generations the one of the wilderness as well as the promised land. how incredible is that? i am encouraged that God is going to use me as a person who is going to bridge the generations and encourage both generations to "go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it." 

thus, i embrace this "different spirit" of Caleb and follow the Lord fully so i might go into all he has called me unto"and the land had rest from war."