1. the incarnation - it is consistently in my head, as God kinda spoke it as my theme for the year - the concept of bodying the life of Christ and allowing the dwelling of God to be manifest.
2. circles - why does it seem that circles are always showing up in my life? i am always intrigued by spheres (3d circles) and how circles often reveal a reciprocity about life and so much so that i have thought why most arenas are circles (or modified circles), waves are made up of 2 halves of circles, etc. it gets crazy, but what the biggest point is what is the center of that circle, for it is that center that everything is orbiting about. what's your circle creating in the midst of your life?
3. a lion in a pit on a snowy day - Benaiah - David's mighty men - my mom's mantra right now - i think of it as a picture of insurmountable odds and yet the risk of victory appeared.
4. life is a journey, not a process - recently came to light in my father's sermon about meeting with the Lord. albeit that i know that a journey is a process, think about process as being more of the shredding and adding the filler in your life as in process foods. journey presents a rather more hopeful outlook on life (or at least that's dad's never ceasing optimism coming to play).
5. being with someone - what does that look like? can you be with something just because of proximity? is conversation the indicator? it is something special and selected? or is it something random and unexpected? the only conclusion here is that it is intentional.
6. in need. i don't know why we don't live life this way. too often we are too prideful and too isolated to ask for a hand or to explain our situation to someone. take a few and tell people why you need them. it will make a world of difference to know that you are not superperson.
7. encounter. what does it look like to encounter God? i just want God to do something crazy. crazy good that is. expectancy for an encounter.
8. "the oneness of togetherness" - "life together, way better"
9. charismatic scholasticism. why must my theological camp have so few intellects that are founded in theology and strong teaching. i desire both the experience and the beliefs to frame the beautiful picture of God that I am enjoying.
10. comfort - what is it? interesting that it has come up in 2 of my devotional readings - 2 Cor. 1 & Philippians 2.1 - i don't think that comfort is just a pillow for our head or an ice pack for our soreness. there is something invigorating about comfort, something brave, something fortifying. i wonder what we've missed about comfort and us being connected to the God of all Comfort.
that's it for now. respond to any if you'd like.
-peaks out.
10.response: "comfort" is good. you don't find our God in ice pack sissy comfort when He mightily comforts like Isaiah 9 or when you hear the language of Psalm 91. that's a really good point Jay.
My additions:
11. Job's friends got it right: Job 2:11-13, they made a plan to come see him (devoted time) and they sat for 7 days and nights to just BE with him (listened and empathized), then they screwed it all up by giving the pat answers: "If you were pure, this wouldn't happen" - "If you just confess, it will get better," etc.
12. Fog - seriously, it's my favorite natural wonder in ALL of creation right now. Ever seen the horizon shaded with fog? Ever seen the top of a skyscraper not visible because the fog is blocking it. It makes things look eternal, unending, and really mysterious. It's like a thick darkness (Exodus 20)
13. Social networks - I need a network that will balance all of my other networks and independently connect me to other networks and things that I'm missing out on in life. I sound desperate
14. why i feel like i cannot capitalize any of my words when i write on your post - quizzical.
my man....i'm going to blog more because of you. more connection...more computer mediated communication. woo. love your additions. comfort in greek - has the idea of bravery, fortitude, strengthening, a kind of puissant is there. wow. so different from feather pillows and band aids.
11. money. sunday school had taught them well.
12. fog - i too share your love for fog. i yen for it daily. thick darkness - love it.
13. love the facebook, but love blogs more. create one: facetwitblogspace?
14. if you had seen star wars, you would understand. jedi mind tricks.
15. looking for a celebrity couple name: thought of JAM, Jayrie, Reason...got any ideas.
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