humility is....
- honesty, quoted from Mother Theresa
- banana cream pie, in comparison with million-dollar pie or cheesecake, that it looks simple and a mess but it carries with it the wonderful experience of being the best (by a pie lover)
- openness and vulnerability
- submission to another's will and way
- to prefer others more than yourself
the awesome thing about this discussion is that the shades of meaning in each of these definitions really reveals the person. for instance the quote was by the leadership expert in our group who has that ability to be the pastor of the group. the banana creme pie was by our comedic genius who revels in his ability to bring humor to the most serious situations (this is aided by his thick southern accent). this guy has never ceased to make me laugh, i'm pretty sure he's going to be a youth pastor. the openness answer came from one of the most transparent individuals i have ever met. he seems like he is just a great guy, but this guy is so practical and so constantly walking out his life in an open way. i know that God has called him into the ministry, and he is going to rock at it. the preference for others answer was our group's intellectual and Bible teacher. he totally epitomizes the professor as his quoting of scripture alludes to his prowess biblically and the "technical" right answer. i came up with submission to another. i guess more than anything, i am finding that when i love someone that i find myself submitting myself to them by realizing how much i need them, which for me is humility. it was an experience that i will remember for a long time. i wonder what you think humility is...and how it explains you as a person.
-peaks out.
fyi, i love each of these guys incredible and i did not mean to present any of them negatively, so take everything that i said about their differences as being a strength to the group and not as one person is better than the other. each one of these guys is unbelievably amazing.
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