the mind is incredible.
so then once i recalled these things my google brain began to analyze many of my memories, some that i treasure (like moving from the circle dorms to the hill and november camping) and some that i regret (such as wearing jnco jeans and not giving people another chance). however, it all comes back to a realization that today is another day of memories. one could live in the memories of their mind (like in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind kind of way), however then you would never live today. that in essence would be a disappointing existence, living in yesteryear's regret or laud. why not experience today for the very purpose of remembering it. what will be done today that you can remember forever.
i don't know, maybe it will be that you speak your mind every time you open your mouth. or perhaps it will be to be honest with yourself about issues you have been dealing with. or what if it was the day you bought the ring for your future wife. sky's the limit. nothing can stop you from making today the greatest day of your life. do today, remember for a lifetime. i plan on taking a few moments, remembering the songs that played on iTunes that caused me to smile, or the way the clouds seemed to movelessly shift across the sky when you looked out the window in your office. if i still had my remember wall (a burlap wall hanging that my best friend made for our room last year), i would be safety-pinning something on it for sure.
so for the record: "When All We Have is Taken" started my day and I am about to end the work day with the thoughts of Top Gun's theme in my head. What a triumphant day. The sky was black to start out with, with a few stars oscillating their final night's shine, ending the day with a white fading out blue sky that is only opaqued by a few naked trees. Today was a victorious beauty.
peaks out.
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