Wednesday, February 27, 2008


so for some reason, i am slightly weird about hair. 

1st, i like changing haircuts as much as possible. i don't know of any reason except that it just brings change into my situation. i am a borderline neophiliac, so that probably has a significant impact on my hair obsession. in this case, i have to constantly garner myself from the attacks of others. people tend to say rather ridiculous things about my hair, or what is done to it. i once had someone told me that my hair communicated that i was passively rebellious. i am consistently amazed at people's ability to judge everything on appearance. 
2nd, i notice girl's hair. pretty regularly i look at girl's hair and think to myself, she is so pretty because of her hair. weird, i know, but my "uncle jesse" syndrome has been active in my life since i got a spike in like 3rd grade. this haircutting lady even gave me a bottle of green goo to keep my hair spikey. it was awesome. nonetheless, i think that we should really learn to look past the exterior of people and find out more about them. just today, i was getting the infrequent hair cut by a "professional" (i prefer people around campus), and she told me about her son and how often he was judged due to his crazy hair. she said something that was really cool. if you want to be avant garde, then you are going to be criticized. however, don't take their role and criticize them for their monotony, just appreciate their differences being different than yours. i guess she is a hair-dicing life guru of sorts. 

so, now i have a little defiance in my walk. i am faux hawked. however, if you don't choose this expression, i still like you and wish you the best. just get to know someone before judging the book by its cover. 

- peaks out. 

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