Thursday, February 28, 2008


i just received this bookmark in a card from someone and it had an Emerson quote on it. 

as i read that simplistic, but lionized quote, i had an extravagant epiphany. i want to be quotable. maybe not necessarily in the way that my quotes appear on bookmarks and other paraphernalia, but quotable in the sense that people would repeat my thoughts and ideas because they considered them to be novel. honestly, i don't think that our thoughts are often avante garde as we think they are for all things are trite due to the fact that there is nothing new under the sun. that is a whole 'nother conversation that i will relish another day. but back to being quotable, how incredible would it be if you realized that your reinvention of a concept or maybe your phrasing of a principle, thought, or elaborate motif would be able to alter a person's conceived perspectives about life. what if your simple extrapolations about life's idiosyncrasies could change a culture or a nation. i think to men like martin luther king, who probable never imagined that his phrase "i have a dream" would mean much to anyone who was aside of his time and his cause. however, that phrase has survived the annals of time. i hope that i can be a person who can be so wise to concoct the correct words and speak them with such dignity and passion that people recall those things that are voiced, whether they agree or they deny the perspective. 

think, speak, write, quote others, quote yourself. 

- peaks out. 

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