Sunday, February 10, 2008


i think that laughter might just be one of the greatest things ever. 

i laugh a lot. and i don't mere just snicker to myself, no my laughs are full of gusto. i normally throw my head back, shut my eyes, and smile so big that my cheeks end up looking like they have a winter's supply of acorns in them. when i am really laughing i get physical. i start hitting things, myself, and even others. you know those people who start to clap when they laugh, yes, i do that as well. i have many different laughs and each are for different occasions. 

i probably have about 3 different laughs. one is long and loud. one is high and two-toned. and one is tearful and almost silent. anyways all of these laughs are very funny and i know most people who hear my laugh, end up doing the same. i guess i make a spectacle of myself. not on purpose, but i do nonetheless. i love when other people laugh. 

my friends are the people who can probably get me to laugh the most. i have an incredibly awesome friend who he and i always talk to each other on the phone as if we are urban (although we are probably the saltiest crackers possible). another of my friends always makes me laugh because he makes things awkward. i never know what to do, so i nervously laugh. then there are those friends that from start to finish when you talk to them, you are rolling on the floor with splitting sides due to the magnitude of laughter.
i have never thought myself to be funny, but i do love a laugh. enjoy life and love a laugh y
- peaks out.

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