Monday, February 4, 2008

simple things.

it's the simple things in life that make everything better. 

i love the most random things. and probably the simpler the better. things that i have been enjoying as of late: post-its, micro sharpies, cancelled TV shows on DVD, used books. i don't know why things like this have been such a fascination to me, but they have. something about a post-its that just allows you to write down the mysteries of life, but not commit it to be part of the constitution. this must be course done with a micro sharpie, which allows you to be permanent but with the freedom of your words not being bold. now cancelled TV shows on DVD allows for the joy of the past to be enjoyed today (and as fast as you can cause you can watch them in a row). used books are incredible. i love that the used books you get have been thought of as someone else's junk, but you get to enjoy them for wicked cheap. 

anyways, so the moral of my randomosity is this: enjoy the simple things. 

- peaks out. 

1 comment:

Eric A. Dye said...

The warmth of the sun with a cool breeze. A deep breath and stretch after a peaceful nap. Remembering the good times and revisiting past joys.